Students » Dress Code

Dress Code

School Pride

We are the Glenknoll Cougars! Our school colors are red and black. Students are encouraged to wear school colors and spirit t-shirts every Friday for Spirit Day. You may purchase t-shirts from the PTA in the fall and throughout the year.  

Dress Code

While on campus or at any school-sponsored event, students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner which reflects good taste and does not detract from or interfere with the learning environment. The purpose of following the dress code is to ensure the maximum safety of everyone.

The school needs your cooperation in building standards of dress and grooming among pupils.  There is usually a distinct correlation between well-groomed and carefully dressed students and academic and social success. Children are to be dressed in clothing and footwear, which allows them to participate in the games and activities, which are part of the elementary school program.

Students should dress and groom themselves for school in a manner that does not negatively distract from any part of the educational program. Students in violation of dress code guidelines may be asked to call home for a change of clothing.

The following dress attire is not appropriate at school or at school-sponsored activities:

  • Open toed, high-heeled, flip-flops; shoes with roller wheels.
  • Sandals without a back strap or exposed toes.  
  • Clothing, accessories or jewelry that might be a safety hazard or that depict or suggest inappropriate gestures, pictures, words, use of drugs, or tobacco, illegal activities; or gang-related activity.
  • Overly revealing clothes. This includes, but is not limited to, sheer or low cut blouses, bare midriffs, backless and/or strapless tops, spaghetti-strap tops, or excessively short skirts or shorts. Undergarments may not be visible at any time.
  • Very baggy or sagging bottom wear – All pants, shorts, skirts must fit properly at the waist so it does not fall below the waist.
  • Anything that brings attention to the wearer and/or is a distraction in the class or on the playground; extremes in dress which detracts from the learning environment or which are unsafe
  • Extreme haircut or style, distractible hair color, body writing, clothing, jewelry, fads, etc., which bring undue attention to the wearer or which distracts from classroom learning or playground behavior.